Thursday, November 14, 2002

"Americans aged 18 to 29 back US military action by a 3-to-1 margin (69 percent to 23 percent). In contrast, support falls to 51 percent among those aged 65 or older, 31 percent of whom oppose a war against Iraq, according to three surveys by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press." -- Christian Science Monitor, November 6, 2002

I hate to keep harping on The Emerging Democratic Majority, but this is yet another sign that we're not going to be able to just kick back for a few years and wait for Democrat Nation to, well, emerge. The GOP could very well be developing brand loyalty in a young generation that, if typical age-related voting patterns hold, will start voting in significant numbers relatively soon. At the same time, the people who have some skepticism about Bush are the ones who, to be blunt, don't have a whole lot of years of voting left. Folks, we need to worry about this now.

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