Wednesday, March 16, 2005


In Missouri:

A bill that seeks to overhaul Missouri's child abuse reporting laws could require teachers, doctors, nurses and others to report sexually active teenagers and children to the state's abuse hot line.

...Perhaps the most controversial provision of the bill is one that many say would require educators, medical personnel and other professionals to report "substantial evidence of sexual intercourse by an unmarried minor under the age of consent."

Critics say the language would, in essence, require child abuse reports even of cases of consensual sex between two teens. Byrd claims the bill seeks only to target sex by children under the age of 15....

Ed Postawko, a sex crimes prosecutor in the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's office ... said it's statutory rape or statutory sodomy for anyone to have sex with a child under the age of 14...

--St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Fourteen is rather young to be having sex, but it's also rather young to have a criminal record just for having sex with your same-age girlfriend or boyfriend.

(Link via Democratic Underground.)

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